Eh, I skipped the gym last night because I still couldn't walk, and I made meatballs for David instead. It was a good kitchen workout :D
Just a blurb: I realize I need to be nicer to people. Yesterday, I had a /facepalm moment when a customer I was speaking with didn't know what I was talking about and it was something very, very common. My anger has gotten to a new record high, but oddly, I feel like my stress level is at a record low. I think I've just been blowing up as a release valve, and then I'm relaxed. I used to be slow to anger (and even slower to cool off). Lately, I've been getting mad, really really mad, and then just getting over it. I do need to learn how to not go screaming to other people as soon as something ticks me off. I need to find a better way to channel it.
So, tonight is my run night (moved from yesterday) and I had already planned tomorrow to be a run day too. Let's see if I survive two consecutive days :D
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