Thursday, January 14, 2010

Eh, I skipped the gym last night because I still couldn't walk, and I made meatballs for David instead. It was a good kitchen workout :D

Just a blurb: I realize I need to be nicer to people. Yesterday, I had a /facepalm moment when a customer I was speaking with didn't know what I was talking about and it was something very, very common. My anger has gotten to a new record high, but oddly, I feel like my stress level is at a record low. I think I've just been blowing up as a release valve, and then I'm relaxed. I used to be slow to anger (and even slower to cool off). Lately, I've been getting mad, really really mad, and then just getting over it. I do need to learn how to not go screaming to other people as soon as something ticks me off. I need to find a better way to channel it.

So, tonight is my run night (moved from yesterday) and I had already planned tomorrow to be a run day too. Let's see if I survive two consecutive days :D

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Monday was my first jog day. I used the C25K app for my Android phone. Candice told me about how her friend used the Cool Running C25K plan, but I'm terminally cheap and didn't want to pay 20 bucks. I also enjoy the fact that I can stream Pandora in the background and listen to my own music. The app is very handy, but those damned "BING!" noises will freak you out intil you get used to them.

The work out was supposed to be 5 minutes brisk walking, then 20 minutes of a walk-jog combo. I was feeling like a freaking champ doing it. I was actually surprised that it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be... until I got to the end. I felt like I was going to fall apart at the seams. I checked my phone to see how long I had left on the jog and... well.. I had accidently already jogged for 40 minutes. So, it's nice to know I over-acheived, but today, Wednesday, I feel like my kneecaps are fused and I have two wooden peg legs.

I'm going to the gym today for Week 1 - Day 2 of the training. I think I may also repeat Week 1 so that I can have an extra week to kick my butt into gear. I'm so out of shape. Boo.

I also found my inspiration today:

How hot would that dress be?!

Monday, January 11, 2010


Not poison.

I am the Queen of the Half-Assed.

I started going back to the gym in August, and lost a solid 10 pounds before I got bronchitis and lost the motivation to leave my bed. I then fell back into my normal routine of chowing down Pringles and playing MMOs.

Eh, typical New Years stuff is flying around now. Candice and Olivia are both going balls-to-the wall health nut, and I adore it. I really, really hate working out. I am a ninny.
I’m more than a little cynical. And whiny.

But, then I looked at this picture today:

When did I grow that extra chin?

Do I even have a waist anymore? It's more than just frumpy clothing too.

NOTE: These were taken exactly 1 year apart. Boo.

I think my other wake-up call was when I only barely fit in size 18 pants. I have always told myself that I will never wear a size 20. Everyone has their limits, that’s mine.

My goal is size ten. I am not, NOT counting pounds. I will not get on a scale. I will squeeze my fat butt into a pair of pants with a damned shoe horn if I have to, but size ten is my goal. Yes. That’s 8 sizes. Alternately, a medium size will work in lieu of numerical size.

So, this is Round 483. You know, I’m not ashamed that I’m giving another shot at losing weight, even if I fail cataclysmically. I did quit smoking, and that was a hurdle I never thought I would see. I honestly only quit smoking because I thought my non-smoker new husband would roll over in bed and find me dead from heart failure. My heart hurt so very bad. Since I quit, I don’t have the same breathing problems, I can climb stairs without getting winded, and OMG, I have money again! Oh, and I don’t smell like a dumpster set on fire anymore (bonus).

I’m not always so self-loathing, and I would definitely not call myself bitter, just… cynical. How does "cynically optimistic" work?

See? See, now that’s a happy couple.

Oh, and I also adore my pet rat(s):